" Three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. " Robert Frost

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sekumpulan Kata Penuh Makna

Beberapa lagu atau mungkin lebih tepat liriknya akan langsung mengenai titik sensitivitas perasaan seseorang. Mungkin bukan satu atau dua orang saja yang mengalami, hampir semua orang pernah merasakan hal yang sama, I guess.

Hal yang mau gue bahas ya tentu seputar hal itu, let me tell you around 5 or 10 my "so touching" lyrics that I've ever heard. Mungkin banyak, jumlahnya bisa puluhan, terkadang dari satu band atau penyanyi aja bisa ngena banget hampir se-album, Am I right? Tapi disini gue akan memberikan yang paling ngena banget, mungkin lagu-lagunya gak terlalu asing di telinga kita, karena toh gue individu hasil cetakan masa kini yang tidak terlalu berbeda lah sama anak muda zaman sekarang. But I've my own taste and perspective about this lyrics.

Ini juga bukan urutan berdasarkan yang paling ngena atau gimana, cuma bener-bener itu yang lagi kepikiran atau terlintas di kepala. Malah mungkin ada beberapa lirik lain yang lebih ngena tapi justru gak kesebut. Who knows. Gue termasuk bagian dari manusia yang banyak kekhilafan.

So let me start with..

"Sometimes tears say all there is to say..
Sometimes your first scars won't ever fade away
Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes
Sometimes we've no choice but to walk away
The cure for a heart is to move along"
- The End Where I Begin,The Script

"A moment, A love, A dream, A loud,A kiss,A cry
Our rights,our wrongs..
So stay there cause I'll be coming over
While our blood's still young
It's so young,it runs
We won't stop 'till it's over
Won't stop to surrender"
- Sweet Disposition,Temper Trap

"Ku tak selalu berdiri..Terkadang hidup memilukan
Jalan yang ku lalui tuk sekedar bercerita
Pegang tanganku ini dan rasakan yang ku derita
Apa yang ku berikan tak pernah jadi kehidupan
Semua yang ku inginkan menjauh dari kehidupan"
- Dibalik awan,Peterpan

"Cause all this thoughts and all this hopes will go blue
Times await you now and breaks you now
I'm on your side
And memories all we got"
- Honeymoon on Ice,The Trees and The Wild

"I remember..the way you read your books
Yes I remember,the way you tied your shoes
Yes I remember,the cake you loved the most
Yes I remember,the way you drank your coffee"
- I remember,Mocca

"A fool to let you slip away
I'll chase you just to hear you say
You're scared enough, you think that I'm insane
I see you, you look so nice from here
Pity, I can't see it clearly
Why you're standing there, it disappears"
- Better that we break,Maroon 5

"But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind"
- Fall for you,Secondhand Serenade (someone was told me : " hey, this song is for you") I'll keep that always in my mind !

"Let me be the one who never leaves you all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight,stay by my side
And let me be the one who calls you baby all the time"
- Smother me,The used

"No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me
I never knew just what it was
About this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew"
- Falling in Love at A Coffee Shop,Landon Pigg

"It's been two years since I let you go
I couldn't listen to joke or rock n roll
Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart"
- You and I,Lady Gaga

Nanti suatu hari gue akan nulis satu persatu makna kata-kata dalam lirik-lirik diatas dalam satu tulisan khusus. Jadi bakal ada sepuluh tulisan tentang 10 makna lirik itu buat gue. Buat sekarang paling gak semua lirik itu ngena, punya makna. Dari kelas psikologi komunikasi yang gue ikutin, persepsi dan sensasi yang tercipta dari sesuatu itu karena adanya pengalaman mengenai itu. Dan gue percaya akan hal itu, nggak mungkin suatu kata-kata menjadi bermakna kalo gak memiliki kedekatan emosional dengan kita. Paling tidak itulah yang gue pikirkan. So, what yours? :)

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